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A short time ago there appeared in the columns of the CRIMSON a notice from the Secretary of the University stating that he was willing to receive applications from students who desired employment during the summer, and that he would do all that he could to satisfy such applications. As we understand the matter, the Secretary is now attempting to do in a systematic manner that which was done formerly in a somewhat irregular way. Books have been provided in which the person applying is required to state the nature of the employment wanted and the qualifications he has to offer. A large number of applications have already been received and there is no doubt that many of them will be successful. Of course it is not to be expected that every applicant will receive employment; but the Secretary assures us that, while he can only make us promises, he will take advantage of every opportunity to aid the more worthy candidates in obtaining the desired positions. The Secretary is to be commended for the interest he is taking in this work. The amount of substantial aid he can give to students in this way is not small. If members of the University, officers or students, have brought to their notice opportunities for employment of which they do not care to take advantage, it is suggested that they notify the Secretary and thus increase his ability to satisfy the applications made to him.
