The University of Pennsylvania speaking editorially about cricket at Harvard, comments as follows:
"We publish in another column some points of interest in regard to cricketing matters at Harvard this spring. Although nothing is yet definitely known in regard to the final make-up of the eleven which we shall meet at Cambridge in June, one thing is sure, and that is, that Harvard's prospects have never be so good for putting a strong team in the field, and back of this there is a great deal of enthusiasm manifested in cricket throughout the whole university. Harvard has more material from which to pick her team this year than we have, and this fact of having an abundance of good material has often helped the Crimson on to victory. The old adage, 'there's safety in numbers,' never applied to anything so forcibly as to athletics. The eleven is going to find a strong rival on Holmes' Field in June, and it will do well to bear this in mind from the start."
It will be remembered that the University of Pennsylvania has one of the strongest amateur cricket elevens in this country, having the advantage of practice games with the well-known Philadelphia and Germantown cricket clubs.
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