
Fact and Rumor.

The Vesper service, this afternoon, will be the last of the year.

The vacation at Yale began yesterday and continues until April 5th.

Mme. Mojeska visited the University Tuesday afternoon.

The second concert by the Kneisel Quartette will be given on Thursday evening, April 19th.

At this time last year the University crew were still rowing in the gymnasium.


King, this year's Princeton pitcher, has signed to play with the Philadelphia Athletics after June.

Oars are gradually coming into use in which the blade is made of highly tempered sheet steel.- Princetonian.

The class of '89, in Princeton, has lost 40 men since beginning the college course.

There will be an hour examination in Physics C., Friday. March 30, at 10 a. m., in the Jefferson Physical Laboratory.

C. M. Thayer, '89, and R. M. Washburn, '90, were elected honorary members of the Bicycle Club, at the meeting Tuesday night.

It has been proposed to have an international foot-ball contest between England and America, and have the English eleven, which is now on its way to Australia, come to New York, and play the winning team in the Yale, Harvard and Princeton League.

The following men have been elected to places on the William's Weekly board: Cleminshaw, '90; Edson, '90; Ward, '90; Wooster, '90; Ellmore, '91.

The date fixed for the theatricals of the Conference Francaise is Thursday, April 26th. The first performance will probably be open only to members and a limited number of their friends.

The New York Press has sent circulars to the Yale seniors asking the question: "What kind of a girl does a college boy like best?" Rates of six dollars a column are offered for answers to the question.

Hour examinations will be held in the following courses on Friday, March 30: N. H. XIV, at 9 a. m. in room 1 of the Museum of Comparative Zoology; N. H. VIII, at 10, in room 2 of the same buildign; N. H. IV, at 12, in Sever 35 and in the examination room of the same building.

The following is the programme of the Kneisel Quartette concert this evening:- 1, Rob. Schumann Quartette, F major, Op. 41, No. 2-Allegro Vivace; Andante, quasi variazioni; Scherzo (Presto.); Allegro, molto vivace. 2, L. V. Beethoven Variations from Quartette, Op. 18, A major. 3, Franz Schubert Quartette in D minor. Op. Posthum.- Allegro; Andante con moto; Scherzo, Allegro molto; Presto.

Representative teams of Ireland and Wales engaged in the annual competition at Rugby foot-ball on Wrexham race-course on the 4th inst. The international matches of Rugby were begun in 1881, when Wales won. The match of 1882 was drawn, and Wales then won uninterruptedly up to last year, when Ireland scored its first victory. This year Wales put a very strong team in the field, with the result that Ireland was beaten by 11 goals to 0.

In comparing the Intercollegiate records of the country with those of England we find the following facts: In the broad jump we do not equal the Englishmen, but in the high jump our records are much better. In the long distance events our time is somewhat slower, but in the short distance the records are about the same. In putting the shot we have done better, while the records in throwing the hammer show about an equal amount of ability. In the hurdle race we are still inferior.- Yale News.
