
Fact and Rumor.

Hastridge, '90, is ill with the measles.

There was a cut in Greek 7 yesterday.

The late chief justice Waite was a graduate of Yale-class of '37.

Brown, '88, former coxwain of the University crew, is now coxwaining his class crew.

The Williams nine plays with the Johns. Hopkins team at Baltimore tomorrow.


There will be no symyhony concert in Boston on either Friday or Saturday of this week.

The Yale University nine have been measured for their suits by Spaulding, of New York.

The college graduate nine, organized in the West, that was to play in the East, this season, has been broken up.

The Institute of Technology will have no representative nine this year. A series of class games may be played.

To-day is the last day for receiving applications for the Parker, Kirkland, Walker and Paine Fellowships.

A committee at Lasell Seminary has written to all the graduates of that institution asking the mother to send photographs of their children.

The Institute of Technology Bicycle Club will be very active this season. A hare and hounds run will be held on Fast Day, and a race meeting later on in the year.

The April number of the Popular Science Monthly contains an interesting article by Professor Richards, of Yale, on "College Athletics and Physical Development."

The Yale nine will take thirteen men with them on their Easter trip. Four men will be left behind and will work regularly until the team is finally chosen, which will be in the latter part of April.

The last of the weekly mort courts at the Law School will be held this afternoon at three o'clock before Professor Keener. J. B. Newhall and G. R. Nutter will argue the plaintiff's case; E. J. Smith and O. Smith, the defendant's.

A passing vessel ran into and burst the gas main across the Charles River Monday evening, causing the light to be very much dimmed, and necessitating the closing of many places of entertainment. Leavitt and Pierce were obliged to close at eight o'clock.

The Finance Club has invited Henry Cabot Lodge to deliver a lecture, at Harvard, on some subject connected with the tariff. Mr. Lodge has accepted and will speak on "Protection" in Sander's Theatre, on Monday evening next. The position which Mr. Lodge occupies in national politics will lend great interest to this lecture.
