

SOPHOMORE THEATRICALS.- Full rehearsal at 12 and 7.

GUITAR CLUB.- Rehearsal to-day at 1.30.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal to-night at 7, in Holyoke 3.

J. M. HOWELLS, Sec.H. B. C.- "Smoker" to-night at 8 o'clock, at 20 Prescott Street.

R. S. BALDWIN.PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB.- Important meeting at Pack's studio to-day, 1.30 p. m.


A. H. LLOYD, Sec.LOST.- A gold-mounted calligraphic pen. Finder will please send address to 37 Concord avenue.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal to-night for strings alone. Cellos, bassos and violas at 7. Violins at 7.30.

F. H. WHIPPLE.HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- Tickets for the Boston performances will be on sale to members only from 11 to 12 this moring and 5 to 6 this afternoon, at 9 Weld.

GEO. B. LEIGHTON.PRESIDENT ELIOT will address the Historical Society, on Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock, in Weld 28. His subject will be: "The organization and government of the University.

WILLIAM BARNES, JR; Sec.SOPHOMORE THEATRICALS.- All unsold tickets must be returned to me or else paid for, on Tuesday, March 27, from 2 until 4 o'clock. Tickets will also be on sale. Tickets on sale at Sever's.

H. H. HUNNEWELL, JR., 24 Beck Hall.THE hour examination in N. H. 4a will be held on Wednesday, March 28, and Thursday, March 29, at 2 p. m., in the laboratory. Those who come for laboratory work on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, will come on the 29th; those who come on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, will come on the 28th; others, on whichever day is most convenient to them. Blue-books should be handed in at once, with the day on which the student comes for examinations written on the cover. For further particulars, see notice posted up in the laboratory.
