
Princeton Letter.

PRINCETON, N. J., March 24, 1888.

There is great interest felt in college at present in the fight the Prohibitionists are making against the saloon in Princeton. Many of the college men are taking an active part in it, and if prohibition is carried it will be in a great part due to the efforts of the college and seminary. Rev. Dr. Cuyler, of New York, delivered a lecture here last evening on "The Liquor Question and Drinking Usages," which has aroused great enthusiasm among the advocates of prohibition and will undoubtedly have a great influence on the election a week from to-day.

The long-expected and anxiously awaited minstrel show will positively come off Friday night, and as the proceeds are for the cage and the minstrel troupe is one of the most popular organizations in college, the seats, although only put on sale this morning, are almost all gone. There are thirty performers and six end men, and it is thought that this performance will surpass anything of the kind ever given here.

The committee of trustees having in charge the inauguration of Dr. Patton had a preliminary meeting last night. While no definite arrangements were completed, the opinion of the committee was that Dr. McCosh should make his farewell address the Tuesday of commencement week, Dr. Patton following the next day with his inaugural. The only objection to the plan is that there is doubt whether Princeton can accomodate the crowds which it is thought would gather.

Owing to the difficulty of access to cage, caused by the blizzard, base-ball practice was discontinued for several days. Practice has, however, now been resumed and all the athletic teams are hard at work there again. The interest in athletics is, however, not quite as strong, or at least not as evident as it has been, the approaching examinations throwing a damper on all, save the pollers.

The board of editors for the Lit, for the following year, were announced yesterday, and are as follows: W. L. Merrill, W. F. Dix, H. G. Drummond, L. S. Mudge, H. C. Warren, A. A. McLord, Alternate, David Bovaird. The first issue under their managment will not be till the first of May, however. The board for the Princetonian for the ensuing year will be announced before our next letter and will assume charge of the paper the first of next term.


