

HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal to-night, 7 p. m., 11 Matthews.

PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB.- Regular meeting at 18 Garden St., 7.30 p. m.

A. H. LLOYD, Secretary.FINANCE CLUB.- Business meeting on Monday evening at 7 p. m. in U. 13.

R. T. PAINE, JR., Secretary.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal in 9 Holyoke at 7 o'clock this evening. Every one must come without fail.

C. S. HOPKINSON, Secretary.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- The second shoot of the present series will take place this (Monday) afternoon.


D. C. HOLDER, Jr., Sec.FOUND.- On Thursday afternoon on the float at the boat-house, a watch chain. Owner may obtain above at 87 Holworthy.

BICYCLE CLUB.- There will be a "smoker," including a short business meeing, Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, at 20 Prescott street. R. S. BALDWIN.

DEUTSCHER VEREIN.- Sitzung heute Abend 7.30 in Hollis 16. Prof. Francke wird uber die Laufbahn Kaiser Wilhelm's spre.

M(?) INKLER, Secretary.THE follow men have not yet had their photographs taken, and are keeping everbody waiting by their negligence. They must be photographed at once: W. Abbott, F. J. Bailey, Balch, Bohlen, Brock, Bruce, Cunningham, Curtis, Fowler, W. W. Gale, Harlow, Harvey, Hay, Henderson, Horton, Kimball, Latham, Leahy, LeRoy, Payson, Robinson, Ropes, Sampson, Sanford, D. L. Smith, Ulrich, Woodworth. If these men would only be energetic for fifteen minutes a piece, it would put an end to all this bother.

