Rev. Mr. Gordon will conduct prayers until April 4th.
The Yale Lit board have their annual supper this evening.
There will be an important meeting of the CRIMSON board in the "Sanctum" to-day at 1.30 p. m.
The Wesleyan and Amherst Glee Clubs give a concert at Hartford this evening.
Saturday's Boston Post had an article on the Yale crew. The average weight of the present crew is 174 pounds.
"Britons and Muscovites" is the title of a book by Curtis Guild, Harvard '81, just published by Lee and Shepard.
The Yale nine expect to play their opening games in Philadelphia on Friday and Saturday of this week.
J. D. Merrill, '89, has a prominent part in the oratorio of "Belshazzar," which is to be given in Union Hall, Cambridge, to-morrow evening.
The new barge for the Yale 'Varsity crew is finished and will be used by the crew this week. The new boat cost three hundred and fifty dollars, and is of the finest workmanship.
A delegation of Yale men conducted the services at Y. M. C. A. building in New York, yesterday afternoon. A delegation from Princeton conducted the services on the Sunday previous.
The second forensic or thesis will be due on Monday, April 16th. Seniors may leave theirs at 29 Thayer from 3 to 5 p. m. Juniors may leave theirs at 40 Matthews at the same hour.
Amherst had its annual winter meeting last Friday. In the pole-vaulting and running high jump the previous Amherst records were broken. The college banner was awarded to the class of '90.
The medical course at the University of Michigan has been extended to four years.
The lacrosse season will open on May 12th with a game between Lehigh and Princeton, at Lehigh.
The freshman crew has received a challenge from the Yale freshmen to row a two mile race in eight-oared shells with coxswains, on the Thames, at New London, within a week of the Yale-Harvard 'Varsity race.
So much interest has been developed in the senior class at Dartmouth over the tariff issue that a Protective Club has been organized. Several men are competing for the large prizes offered by the American Protective Tariff League.
Professor G. L. Goodale lectured Saturday evening before the Lowell Institute, continuing the discussion of the "Cultivation of Forests" and treating specially of the enemies of forests and proper methods of cultivating and caring for forests and trees.
The annual dinner of the editors and directors of the Tech, the bi-weekly publication of the Institute of Technology, was held last Friday evening. About twenty members of the board and several invited guests were present.
A match game of foot-ball under association rules between the Boston Rovers and the Fall River East Ends was played on Saturday afternoon at the Union Grounds in Boston. The Rovers won the game by a score of two goals to one.
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