
The Vesper Service.

The pleasant weather of yesterday called out one of the largest attendances of the year at the vesper service. Dr. Hale occupied the pulpit and was assisted in the service by Dr. F. G. Peabody. Dr. Hale spoke of the purposes for which human beings are sent into the world and of the rewards which follow the fulfillment of those purposes. The world is a training school for the enlargement of our lives. A higher level of existence is promised to all sorts and conditions of men if they will yield obedience to the laws which God has established. We are measured not by the situations in which we find ourselves, nor by the possessions we have, but by the growth our souls make in faith, hope and love. It is well for us if we make use of the matchless opportunities given us. God will promote his faithful servants according to the means of their deserts. The anthem: "Come now, and let us reason," by Wareing, was sung by the chapel choir. Mr. Geo. J. Parker, of Boston, sung with great beauty the tenor solo, "My Soul is athirst for God," from "The Holy City," by Gaul.
