
Fact and Rumor.

The annual gymnastic exhibition at Amherst takes place this evening.

Schweyer, the Amherst student who attempted suicide, has recovered and returned to his home.

Plans are under consideration for starting a weekly paper at Columbia, to be devoted to news.

Peter Herdick, the inventor of the well-known "herdic" so called, died recently.

Wm. B. Forbush, a Dartmouth senior, has recently published a volume of poems which are highly spoken of.


The freshman crew was unable to row Wednesday on account of the rough water, but were out again yesterday.

The spring vacation will begin at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of Tuesday, April 3. College will open again on Wednesday morning, April 11.

A number of Law School men went to Brockton last evening to hear Mr. John G. Brooks speech to laboring men.

Mr. Chittenden has given an additional $25,000 to make further improvements in Yale's new library. The building will be ready for use in 1889.

"Dollars and Duty" is the title of a new book, written by Rev. Emory J. Haynes of Boston. It is a story of an Amherst student, who underwent severe struggles in making a decision as to what his life work should be.

Boston's famous ball player, "Mike" Kelly, will appear on the stage of the Park Theatre during the coming week as "Dusty Bob" in Hoyt and Thomas' well-known attraction, "A Rag Baby."

There are only four men living who have personally received the thanks of the Congress of the United States: Sherman, Sheridan, Howard and Terry, Yale '65.

At the University of Pennsylvania a record of the ten strongest men is kept in the gymnasium. The ranking is based on general health as well as on mere strength.

Princeton has its minstrel show this evening. The '90 orchestra will furnish the music. The end men are: Bones-King, '88; Segur, '89; Edwards, '89; tambos-Graham, '88; Irvine, '88; Brackett, '90. Interlocutor, Studdiford, '88.

The University of Leipsig has engaged to receive and preserve for scientific study and research all published matter relating to the development of religious ideas and institutions in the United States.- Yale News.

The Nassau Literary Magazine of Princeton will be conducted by the following board of editors for '89: D. Bovaird, Jr., W. F. Diz, H. G. Drummond, A. A. McCord, W. S. Merrill, S. S. Mudge and H. C. Warren.
