
The Bicycle Club.

The Bicycle Club has already begun to discuss plans for the coming spring. Interest in the club has been kept up during the winter by the monthly "smokers" which have been very well attended. There are now about fifty members, including associate members who do not own wheels. The officers are: President, S. F. McCleary, '88; Captain, R. S. Baldwin, '89; and Secretary, G. H. Merrill, '90. A number of men, of whom the most prominent are Davis, '91; Norton, L. S.; Brown, '91, and Bailey, '91, have declared their intention of going into active training for the two mile race at the H. A. A. spring meeting. Harvard's chances of winning this event at Mott Haven this year are exceedingly good. It is probable that a handicap road race, similar to the one held last November, will be held about May 1. It has also been suggested, but not formally proposed, that the club hold a special meeting for bicycle races only. The scheme has been tried in former years, but has never been very successful. There are several objections to it, the chief being the difficulty in getting a suitable track near the college. The track in Holmes Field is too small for fast racing, and the only other track near here is the one at Lynn, which is almost too far away. Then, too, such a plan might interfere with the Mott Haven work. Their objection will be carefully considered before any decisive action is taken. In addition to these races, the usual weekly runs will take place, beginning as soon as the roads are in good condition for riding. With all these plans the club is looking forward to a very successful season.
