
The Fathers of Yale Freshmen.

Yale, with her usual liking for gathering statistics, has compiled the following list, showing the relative preferences of fathers who have sent their sons to Yale this year. The first figures in each case refer to '91 and the second one, to '90, Sheffield Scientific School. Merchants, 39, 19 1-2 per cent.; 23, 25 per cent. General business, 28, 14 per cent.; 16, 18 per cent. Lawyers, 26, 13 per cent.; 4, 4 per cent. Manufacturers, 23, 11 1-2 per cent.; 17, 19 per cent. Mechanics, 17, 8 1-2; 8, 9 per cent. Farmers, 17, 8 1-2 per cent.; 6, 7 per cent. Bankers, 15, 7 1-2 per cent.; 3, 3 per cent. Clergymen, 11, 5 1-2 per cent.; 2, 2 per cent. Physicians, 9, 4 1-3 per cent.; 5, 6 per cent. Other occupa ions, 8, 4 per cent.; 5, 5 per cent. From this schedule it will be seen that there are twice as many Academic freshmen as Sheffield freshmen whose fathers are professional men; while the Scientific department is up-held noticeably by physicians, and in large proportion by manufacturers and business men.
