We are glad to be able to announce that the present year has been a very successful one with the Co-operative society. The society has grown to fill a large place in the University and it could not well be spared. That the society is steadily increasing in its power to satisfy the wants of the students is readily seen by the great advance in the amount of business transacted during the past year. Every increase makes farther advancement possible. We hope that next fall will see the society starting off with a much longer list of members. Aside from the pecuniary returns which will undoubtedly come to members of the society, there should be patriotism enough in every student to lead him to become a member and thus to help sustain what is distinctively a University institution. The price of the membership ticket is generally made up many times in the saving made on purchases during the year. To present members, we desire to say that the annual meeting on Friday should be largely attended. The interest of the students in the management is very great, and care should be taken to elect competent officers. This can best be done in a large and enthusiastic meeting, and we hope that the coming meeting will have that character.
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