
Fact and Rumor.

Dr. Sachs's third and last lecture on Greek Vase-Painting to-night in Upper Boylston.

Curtis, '90, will not be able to spar in the winter meetings on account of an injury to his hand.

We are very glad to state that Prof. Francke will still keep German 4 and 5 and give up German 1 only.

Last night Mr. Saunderson delivered a very interesting lecture before the Conference Francaise on Labiche.

By the Authors' Reading in Sanders Theatre last Monday evening, $530 was added to the Longfellow Memorial Fund.


Dr. Lyon will close his Lowell Institute course on "Ancient Assyrian Life" to-night with a lecture on the "Religion and Ethics" of that time.

Mr. H. S. Sanford has been elected editor-in-chief of the Monthly for the second half-year, and Mr. C. H. Moore business manager from '89. Mr. H. T. Parker, '90, has been elected an editor.

The Glee Club gave a concert in the Town Hall at Watertown, Wednesday evening, before a large and enthusiastic audience. After the concert the members of the club were entertained at the house of Mr. Coolidge at Mount Auburn. The club returned to Cambridge at midnight and sang a few songs in the yard before dispersing.

Trinity has been admitted to the Intercollegiate B. B. A., which now consists of the following nines: Dartmouth, Williams, Amherst, Trinity. Brown voluntarily withdrew from the association.

Lost. Yesterday afternoon a white sweater belonging to the holder of box 726 in the gym was taken and another left in its place. A re-exchange is desirable and the holder of box 726 can be found at the gym every afternoon from 5 to 6.

Edgar Parker's portrait of the late Price Greenleaf which is soon to be placed in Memorial Hall, is now on exhibition in Noyes, Cobb and Co.'s Boston gallery. The artist represents his subject as sitting, and the likeness is said to be very good.

Following is the symphony programme for this weeks concerts: L. Cherubini, overture (Abenceragen); A. Rubenstein, concerto for violin; Schumann, overture (Manfred); Beethoven, Symphony No. 7. The soloist is Mme. Camilla Urso.

Members of the junior class will find two blue books for the class dinner on March 7th-one at Leavitt and Peirce's and the other at Bartlett's. It is important that everyone who intends going to the dinner should sign immediately, as the dinner takes place next Wednesday.

A 50-yards course was paced out yesterday afternoon in the street in front of the gymnasium and a heat was run in order to decide on two short-distance sprinters to go down to New Haven to-day to compete in the Yale winter sports. Moen and Bodley, both '91, were selected. The other men composing the team are J. B. Paine, H. R. Mills, Pennypacker, F. B. Dana, Cogswell, Leavitt, Mason and Davenport. Lund will go down as captain, but will enter none of the events.
