
University Calendar.


Appleton Chapel, 7.30 p. m. Rev. Lyman Abbott, D. D. of Brooklyn. (The front pews are reserved for members of the University until 7.30.)

Week-day morning prayers at 8.45 a. m. No seats will be assigned for either officers or classes.

Mr. Gordon will conduct prayers from March 19 until April 4.

Mr. Gordon will be at Wadsworth House 1 every week-day from 9.10.


19. MONDAY.SEMITIC SEMINARY. Reader: Mr. J. R. Jewett. Subject: "Moslem Art in Syria." 7 Lowell St., 7.30 p. m.

20. TUESDAY.College Faculty. Meeting at University 5, 3.30 p. m.

"Intimations of Immortality in the Sonnets of Shakspere. Lecture. Professor Palmer. Divinity School Chapel, 7.30 p. m. The public are invited.

21. WEDNESDAY.Readings from the Odyssey. Book XVI. Professor Palmer. Sever 11, 3 p. m. Open to the public.

English 6. Oral debate. University 16, 3 p. m.

Question: "Resolved, That political corruption and intimidation would be greatly lessened if the state were to print and distribute ballots at elections."

Principal disputants. Affirmative: W. Coulson and H. W. Hervey.- Negaative: F. H. Bottum and H. S. Sanford, Jr.- Open to all students of the University.

Divinity School Chapel. Conference. 4 p. m.

Literature as a profession. Lecture. Col. T. W. Higginson. Sever 11, 7.30 p. m. The public are invited.

22. THURSDAY.Vesper service. Appleton Chapel, 5 p. m.

Harvad Union Debate. Sever 11, 7.30 p. m.

Subject: "Resolved, that the intercollegiate contests of Harvard should be with Yale alone."

Principal disputants.- Affirmative: W. C. Boyden, L. S.; E. T. Sanford, L. S.- Negative: W. D. Clark, '89; H. M. Williams, L. S.

23. FRIDAY.Divinity School Chapel. Service with preaching, 7.30 p. m.

Harvard Co-operative Society. Annual meeting. Sever 11, 7 p. m.

Jefferson Laboratory Course. "Bridge Buildings." (Illustrated by photographs.) Lecture. Professor Chaplin. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, 7.30 p. m. The public are invited.

24. SATURDAY.English Literature. (Course for Freshmen.) Daniel Webster. Professor A. S. Hill. Sever 11, 9 a. m.

READINGS FROM THE ODYSSEY.Professor Palmer reads books XIII to XVIII of the Odyssey in Sever 11, on successive Wednesdays (omitting April 4), to members of Greek B and C, and to others who may be interested. The third reading begins at 3 p. m. on March 14.

FELLOWSHIPS.Wednesday, March 28, is the last day for receiving applications for the Parker, Kirkland, Walker and Paine Fellowships.

FORENSICS.The Forensic Thesis will be due soon after the April recess; the exact date will be announced later.

Until further notice, Mr. Cummings will be at Closed Alcove 25, in the library, for consultation, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 3 to 4.30 p. m. Mr. Conant will be at the same place on Thursdays and Fridays, at the same hours.

COLLEGE ROOMS.Saturday, March 31, is the last day for re-engaging College Rooms for 1888-89.

SECOND-YEAR HONORS.Saturday, March 31, is the last day for receiving applications of candidates for second year honors.

LECTURES IN THE JEFFERSON PHYSICAL LABORATORY.A series of illustrated lectures, open to the public, was begun in the lecture room of the Jefferson Physical Laboratory on Friday evening, March 16. The remaining lectures are as follows:

March 23-Bridge Building, illustrated by photographs. Prof. Chaplin.

March 30-Electric Lighting, illustrated by experiments. Dr. Hall.

April 13-Matter in Motion, illustrated by experiments. Dr. Whiting.

ENGLISH B.Theme VIII will be returned to the class on Tuesday, March 20, from 2 until 3.30 o'clock, as follows: A-D in Sever 1; E-W in Sever 11.

Theme X., "An Exposition," and Theme XI., "An Argument," will be due on April 3 and April 24, respectively.

At the pleasure of the writer, Themes X. and XI. may be combined in one theme of at least TEN pages, comprising both Exposition and Argument, to be handed in on April 17.

The attention of students is specially called to the directions of the English Composition card. Each student is held responsible for a knowledge of those directions, and is expected to follow them implicitly.

By the Regulations, no overdue theme will be accepted unless the writer satisfies the secretary that his failure to present it at the appointed time was caused by serious illness or other unavoidable hindrance. Overdue themes, countersigned by the secretary, may be left at Grays 18. In no case must themes be put in the box in Sever 3 after the day on which they are due.
