HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- Regular meeting this (Thursday) afternoon.
D. C. HOLDER, JR., Sec'y.H. A. A.- I will be in my room, 47 Matthews, this evening from 8-10, when the entries for the Second Meeting will close.
EDWARD STURGIS, Sec'y.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- There will be a rehearsal in Hilton 30 at 7.30 this evening.
C. S. HOPKINSON, Sec'y.PIERIAN SODALITY. There will be a rehearsal to-morrow (Friday) evening. It is of great importance that all should be present, in order to begin on the new music.
T. T. SEELYE, Sec'y.Y. M. C. A.- Regualr meeting this evening. All students invited.
FOUND.- A brass latch key. No. 53 at Leavitt and Pierce's.
There will be a meeting of the Pi Eta Society this evening at 7.30 sharp.
G. G. HALL, Sec'y.CONFERENCE FRANCAISE.- Meeting of the society this evening, 7.30 p. m. in Upper Dane Hall.
S. A. BAYER, Sec'y.PUDDING THEATRICALS. Principals at 2. Full chorus at 4 and 7. There must be no more absences.
W. H. RAND, JR.SOPHOMORE THEATRICALS.- Chorus. Men at 3, girls at 4, in 46 Thayer.
E. A. BIGELOW.LOST.- On Wednesday, probably in Sever, a pair of brown kid mittens. Will the finder please leave them at Leavitt and Pierce's.
WANTED.- Premium paid for three tickets for second or third winter meetings. Call at 25 Holyoke.
LOST.- A small brown leather card case, most likely in the gymnasium last Saturday. In it were visiting cards and an H. A. A. membership ticket marked V. S. Rothschild. If found please return to Bartlett's.
NOTICE.- In the order lists for class photographs sent to seniors, certain names were omitted by mistake. Seniors wishing photographs of these men will please write their names on the order lists. A complete list of omited names is: M. E. Boas, G. H. Brewer, C. Chollet, G. Flint, S. Gleason, G. A. Goebel, H. M. Federhen, C. H. Harwood, E. M. Hurd, C. E. Ingersoll, F. K. Kelham, E. W. Ordway, F. E. H. Wole, J. R. Purdon, J. H. Sedgwick, D. K. Snow, M. Thomas, H. S. Wardner, E. S. McPhee,
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