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Year after year the complaint has been made that there was no mill in which was ground out players for the 'Varsity nine. The class games are good in their way and are a step in the right direction. They are, however, wholly inadequate to meet the needs of the time. What we want is an organization which will be able to take reasonably good material and produce something worthy of the 'Varsity nine. It will be a reserve force, to be called upon in time of emergency, having as its ruling idea the perfecting of promising candidates. Such an organization the present management of our nine proposes to form. This plan has been tried before and failed, owing to the lack of co-operation on the part of those candidates who were disappointed in their endeavors for the regular team. It will fail again if left to itself. The college must show an interest in its welfare if the plan is to be successful. Daily practice, games played away from home, and above all, a strong directing hand are necessary for its successful existence. Lack of practice and a state of chronic indifference, are the reasons why the class games have been useless, as far as the formation of material for the 'Varsity nine is concerned.

We take pleasure in congratulating the management of the nine on its energy in taking the initiatory steps so early in the season. It argues well for the success of our nine, and, although games may have to be abolished, there is no one who will not deem this step wise, if it is done in the interest of the 'Varsity team.
