

PUDDING THEATRICALS.- Principals in Act II at 2. Full chorus, (including Pirates), at 4 and 7.

Every freshman who entered by the Adv. Phys. and Chem, elective, is requested to send his name immediately to 866 Main street. A petition will be sent to the faculty asking why such men should be obliged to take the examinations in Chem. A and Physics A.

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Dean Gray of the Theological School, will address the Society this evening at 7 o'clock in the rooms.

R. de C. Ward, Sec'y.H. A. A. The entries for the Second meeting and the entries for the Club Swinging, which, unless any objections are received, will come at the last meeting, will close Thursday evening at 10 o'clock. No one will be allowed to compete unless he has a certificate from Dr. Sargent for the meeting. Dr. Sargent will be in his office Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, from 2-4.

LOST.- Probably in the gymnasium on Saturday, a large balck leather pocket-book, with silver corners and cipher letters C. A. L. on the side. In it were some visiting cards of the owner and his H. A. A. membership ticket, bearing the name of C. A. Lewis. Return to 50 Grays and get reward.


CHAPEL CHOIR.- The rehearsal this afternoon will be held at 4.10 instead of at 5 o'clock.
