

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- Allow me to make public through your columns a plan which has been discussed, of late, by the base-ball management. During the last few years there has been an alarming decrease in the number of men who can be considered good ball players. The number of candidates this year is exceedingly small. There are, perhaps several reasons for this, but the chief one is, I think that too few are engaged in the sport seriously. If a man fails to become a member of the University nine he may continue to play, but it is solely for pleasure that he does so. He does not consider that by improving himself he aids the cause of base-ball in the University. The plan proposed by the management is intended to meet this trouble. This plan is the establishing of a second nine. It has been tried before, but has always ended in failure, principally because not enough attention was paid to its success. The present plan is to have this nine well organized and disciplined, to give the members uniforms, and a training table if they so desire. The nine will have its own captain and manager, and games will be arranged for it. It will also be a part of their work to play against the University nine. The management hope to see the plan succeed and unless it does will abandon it.

