
A Dinner of Students from Worcester.

The members of this University who come from Worcester held a dinner at the Parker House recently. Worcester has sent many men here of late and a party of twenty were gotten together. F. L. Dean, '88 presided as toast-master and a most enjoyable evening was passed. The dinner was enlivened by songs, that of Liscomb, '91 being especially good and his hits were appreciated by an enthusiastic audience. Samuel Winslow, captain of the '85 nine, was present, as were Stearns, '82; Thayer, '85; Gage, '86 and Smith, '86-and Moore of the Scientific School.- The aim of the participants is to create a feeling among Worcester men in favor of Harvard, and it is expected that a Harvard Club will soon be started there. This banquet was the first of a series of annual dinners to be held by the Harvard men of Worcester.
