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We want to make another appeal to the students on behalf of the University Crew. Every one is familiar with the facts. Every one knows that the Crew wants money and that it must have money in order to carry on the preparations for the race at New London next June. If every man would save a certain sum-more or less, according to his means-which he would otherwise spend uselessly, and devote that sum to the University Crew, we are sure he would never regret it. Now is the time to show what stuff Harvard men are made of; to show that they are not mean, nor stingy, nor, worst of all, indifferent; to show to Yale and other colleges that if money is needed by Harvard organizations money will be forthcoming, even if it does take a little self-sacrifice and denial. Remember this, Harvard men, and do your share towards helping your crew to "show four miles of river to the crack New Haven crew" next June. And, as we have said before, do not wait to be called upon personally, but send or give your subscriptions in at once to the manager of the crew. He has so much on his hands that it is well-nigh impossible for him to visit each man. Therefore, be generous and aid him in his work. For this is a matter which should touch the pride of every true Harvard man.
