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Two petitions have recently been started by the students of the college which certainly deserve the fullest consideration of the faculty and corporation when they make up the curriculum for the coming college year. The first one requests the establishment of a half-course in elocution, and states in its premises the reasons for such a step; the second one begs for a half course in elementary astronomy, without mathematics. If the curriculum is to be extended for the year 1888-89 there is no good ground for denying the petitions, especially as upwards of forty signatures have been placed to the credit of the first one; and though the astronomy petition was only set before the students yesterday, some ten men have already been signed, each one pledging himself to take the course next year in case the request should prove successful. The authorities can have no better way of judging what should be added to the list of electives than by noticing the current of undergraduate interest in these moves. We will not dwell on the obvious need of these studies-the list of signatures will throw aside all doubt on that point; but we do hope something more salutary to the college at large will come from the petitions than their mere consignment to the waste-paper basket without a proper discussion. Any others who may wish to sign will find the books at Bartlett's.


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