
Fact and Rumor.

Schwyer, the suicidal freshman at Amherst, is said to be recovering.

A lecture on Volapuk was given to the Yale men on Monday evening.

Union College has been without a president for nearly four years.

Mr. Bolles has returned from his vacation.

Cornell has a new publication, called the Cornell Literary Magazine.


The Glee Club, of Phillips Andover, will go on a vacation trip this spring.

The New York Alumni of Exeter met at the Hoffman House last evening.

Mr. George Riddle finished his readings at Chickering Hall, Monday. He will now go to Chicago.

Slade, '90, sprained his ankle while jumping in the gymnasium day before yesterday.

There will be no lecture in History 16 to-day. A lecture will be given on Saturday of this week.

Princeton has a minstrel club.

The Trinity Tablet has been placed in charge of the three upper classes, instead of only juniors, as formerly.

Professor Bocher will resume his course in French 5 next Tuesday, and probably French 3 soon after.

The annual banquet of the Psi Upsilon Club will be held to-night in New York.

The Institute of Technology intends to establish a summer school among the mines of Pennsylvania.
