Some matters of faculty legislation at Cornell have been of much interest and importance. The most noteworthy is the change in the marking system, whereby all numerical marks are abolished for elective work. As a part of the sophomore work and almost the entire work in the junior and senior years is elective, this change is one of great importance. The experience of the first term under the system is very encouraging, and the object of the faculty in making the changes-namely, to induce in the students a love of learning for its own sake and something more of a true scholarly spirit-bids fair to be accomplished.
Some additions have been made to the requirements for admission in the courses in science and letters, and for optional students these requirements are not to go into effect before June. 1889.
The trustees have voted to erect a new building for the departments of engineering and architecture, and plans are now in process of preparation. A plan for the organization of the agricultural experimental station has also been adopted by the trustees and provision made for the appointment of a professor of horticulture, to begin his work next term. On the classical side the most important event of the term has been the beginning of a series of studies in classical philology, edited by Profs. Flagg, Hale and Wheeler. Two numbers have already been issued and more are to follow. Barnes Hall has been begun and is being rapidly pushed to completion.
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