
Fact and Rumor.

There was very fine skating on Fresh Pond yesterday afternoon.

The second term at Columbia begins to-morrow.

Dr. Francis Wayland, dean of Yale Law School, has been elected a Fellow of Brown University.

Last Sunday's Boston Courier has an article for students who intend to go abroad and study in Germany.

The Lehigh students are making an effort to have their athletic grounds sodden.


Columbia College students are to do all the supping when Fanny Davenport brings out "La Tosca" in New York.

A large number of Harvard men saw the last performance of "Faust" at the Boston theatre Monday evening.

The Review, published at Oxford University, is the only English college journal edited by undergraduates.

Alexander, '87, has been coaching the freshman crew during the last two weeks. Sixteen men are now in training for the crew.

The college is comparatively empty, as an unusually large number of men, especially of junior and seniors, have gotten through their examinations and are off on vacations.

At the meeting of the CRIMSON board on Monday, Mr. C. C. Batchelder was elected a regular editor of the CRIMSON from '89.

Chauncey Depew said in a recent speech: "College men must combat the anarchists and communists. We must have college men."

Joint games of Yale and the 2nd regiment, Connecticut National Guard, take place at New Haven March 2nd and 3rd.

It is very likely that Mr. R. D. Sears will reconsider his determination to leave the tennis arena, and will still be a contestant when the season opens.

The following is the assignment of rooms for the examination in German A to day. Section I in Sever 23, section II in Sever 24, section III in Sever 29, section IV in Sever 30, section V in Sever 35, section VI in Sever 37.

G. H. Papazian, of Constantinople, has received some Turkish coins of different descriptions, which he is offering in exchange for American coin. He will be in his room, 4 Divinity Ave., behind Divinity Hall, between 2 and 4 p. m.

Henry Irving, assisted by Miss Terry, will give a miscellaneous reading this afternoon in Huntington Hall of the Mass. Inst. of Technology. Mr. Irving has intimated that the receipts will be given toward the endowment of a lectureship in the school of expression.

The dinner of the Washington Harvard Club will be given at Wormley's, Feb. 16. The Hon. George B. Loring, the new president, will preside, and it is hoped that President Eliot will be present and speak. There are about 140 Harvard men in the city, and a large proportion of them will attend the dinner.

The building of the new Boston Athletic Association will be ready for occupation in October. Work was suspended for six weeks, partly on account of delay in the delivery of some of the material and partly owing to the severity of the weather, but it is now being pushed with activity. About one-third has been roofed, and out of 2,000,000 bricks to be used in its construction over a million and a half have been laid.
