Although the mid-years have somewhat interrupted the work at the gymnasium, yet there are a great many men working in the gymnasium. At present there are about fifty-five men in training for the different class crews, besides the candidates for the 'Varsity. Mr. Lathrop has a class in wrestling every afternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock, which is attended by about a dozen men. The class in club swinging is much larger and meets at about 4 o'clock.
The candidates for the 'Varsity nine are engaged in sliding bases, throwing and catching, and playing hand-ball in the cage. The candidates for the freshman nine are doing the same under the direction of Capt. Bates. The candidater for both teams have been somewhat irregular in their attendance owing to the examinations, but their number is increasing. Owing to the examinations the candidates for the lacrosse team have stopped regular work, but on Monday next both the 'Varsity and freshman teams expect to return to their regular work.
The number of candidates for the Mott Haven team is somewhat smaller than at first, but many will begin their practice again next week. Only two men are putting the shot and four pole-vaulting. There is a large number of men practising for running and jumping. The outlook for winning the first and second bicycle prizes at Mott Haven in the spring is good. As the first of the winter meetings takes place so soon, the contestants are working more regularly. The contest for the medal for excellence on the horizontal bar will be very close. Men are daily practising on the rings and at tumbling. AS there are at present no rooms devoted to fencing and sparring, the contests in these branches are uncertain. The tug-of-war team are not working very hard, and the outlook for winning first prize at Mott Haven is indeed poor. As this is the last week of examination, we hope that next week we shall see more men in training for the various teams.
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