After very careful trial, the number of candidates for the Yale freshman crew has been reduced to twenty-two. So many men presented themselves at first that it was found to be quite impracticable to keep track of them, not-withstanding the greater portion had abundant qualifications for a close competition. Finally a vigorous inspection was instituted, and after a minute comparison of the merits of the many candidates all were rejected except the following: Hodges, Oastler, Ely, R. P. Huntington, Rhodes, Isham, Aiken. Chadwick, Coates, Robbins, Childs, Rogers, Simms, Hoefier, Buck, Kenerson, Rockefeller, Judson, Bushnell, Noyes, Allen and Heyworth. These men, although not quite up to the average weight, are strong, with good physiques and excellent staying powers. Many of them have had considerable boating experience, and those who have not rowed much have good records in general athletics. All are in active training, and they are apparently imbued with the determination to make their crew the best one produced by any freshman class. Every candidate is supposed to pull two hundred strokes on the hydraulic rowing apparatus, besides running and using the chest weights and Indian clubs. Every man attends faithfully to his allotted duties, and the men, as a whole, are coached by Gill, '89, who has had two years experience on the 'Varsity. He is a good man for the place, allows no shirking, and takes particular pains to aid each man individually. Bob Cooke has not yet put in an appearance, but he is expected during the early part of April, when he will look after both the freshman crew and the 'Varsity. The freshmen hope to come in ahead in the class races, and it is whispered they are by no means despondent of leaving the Harvard freshman crew in the rear, if they succeed in making arrangements for a race with them.
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