
The Yale Faculty to Buy the Freshmen Off with a Holiday.

There are two events in the history of the first year at Yale which leave very forcible impressions on the minds of the freshmen. These are the 22d of February, when for the first time as Yale men the freshmen are allowed to carry canes; and again in June, when, if their nine defeats Harvard, they are permitted to rest their tender limbs on the time honored and hand-carved rails. Suitable ceremonies have been held in connection with these events. It has been customary for the freshmen to provide themselves with "bangers" and to parade on Washington's birthday. The "bangers" are lawful prey for the sophomores previous to the 22d and many are the schemes devised to hide them. The size of the "bangers" has increased year by year, till last year the average size was about four inches diameter. The greatest demonstration on Washington's birthday was that made by '88 S. and '89 in their freshman year, when about 200 men, headed by a band, paraded all over town, serenading the prominent members of the faculty and halting before Miss Cady's and Miss Nott's schools. In the evening they attended the performance of "Mikado" at the New Haven Opera House, where they occupied the entire paraquet and cheered by way of applause.

Last year, owing to the desire of the faculty no parade was held, but all attended a theatre in the evening and considerable disturbance was caused by their cheering. There seems to be a desire on the part of the faculty to prevent any public celebration of any college event and efforts are being made this year to stop the usual Washington's birthday ceremonies. Professor Brush has had interviews with the presidents of the Shelf junior and freshman classes in regard to the matter. It is his desire to prevent any disturbance at all, and meetings of the classes interested will be called to consider the question. In the academic department yesterday Professor Wright and Professor Phillips interviewed a committee of twelve from the two lower classes and requested them to prevent if possible any action on the part of the class.

They offer a number of reasons for dropping the custom, the most important one being that, as the promenade question is in imminent danger of an adverse decision, any further disturbances would be likely to decide it unfavorably for the two lower classes. In addition the faculty offer a whole holiday if the freshmen will accede to their request. As a general thing the sentiment of the University is against giving up any of the peculiar Yale customs, but in this case the upper-classmen are all in favor of the action of the faculty.

There is something objectionable in the custom when looked at from the seniors' standpoint which doesn't occur to the freshmen, and it is probable that in this instance the pride of the freshmen will be sacrificed to the regards of the majority.- New Haven Union.
