Exeter has an active snow-shoe club.
Oberlin College is working for a $50.000 gymnasium.
The Guitar Club gave a very successful concert at Milton last week Friday.
Ellen Terry and her daughters visited the University yesterday afternoon.
The Banjo Club gave a concert at Sharon on Wednesday evening.
The Yale nine will play the New York's on April 2 and 3.
Cornell is endeavoring to arrange a race with the U. of P., at New London, next spring.
No one is allowed to enter the Columbia School of Mines under 19 years of age.
The U. of Jena, in Prussia, has received a donation of $75,000 to found a chair in Zoology, in the interests of Darwinism.- Princetonian.
Last Sunday's Herald contained a long article on R. D. Sears' proposed retirement from the tennis field.
The sophomore class at Yale has decided against the usual demonstrations on Washington's birthday.
In the Dwight Hall reading room at Yale. the secular papers are removed on Sunday.
The hot and cold water pipes in the shower bath have been fixed, so that the supply of water can be regulated.
Joseph Cook begins his Monday lectures at Tremont Temple next Wednesday.
During the examination period, reserved books on being returned to the library must be replaced on the shelves before being used in the reading-room.
It is said that Josef Hoffman, the boy pianist, has been ill-treated by his managers, and steps are being taken to investigate the case.
The Yale Athletic Association has offered prize cups to the tug-of-war team that shall secure the most points in the weekly contests. Four teams are intending to try.
Boston Yale Alumni held a banquet at Parker's, Wednesday night. Hon. W. W. Crapo presided, and speeches were made by President Dwight, Gen. Walker, Dr. Bancroft, of Andover, and other eminent Yale graduates.
The skating has been very fine this week past. Fresh Pond has been patronized by great numbers of skaters, including many college men. Dorchester Bay has also afforded splendid opportunities for skating and ice boating.
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