
Fact and Rumor.

Professor Norton will not lecture to his classes this evening.

The first number of the new volume of the Advocate will be out to-day.

Strout, '90 has gone home ill with tonsillitis.

There was a cut in History 9 yesterday.

The Columbia University crew has ten men in training and the freshman crew seventeen.


A blue book for the junior dinner has been placed in Leavitt's. All are urged to sign at once.

The sections in German I will meet Mr. Babbitt at the usual hours and place to-day.

The first circular in regard to the Summer Schools has been posted on the University bulletin boards.

Prof. Lyon's lecture tonight in the Lowell Institute course is on "Literature in Ancient Assyria."

T. S. Woods, '90, and F. L. Codman, '90, have been elected respectively president and vice-president of the class of 1886 of the Boston Latin School.

The Yale faculty refused to grant cuts to Stagg, Corbin and the other delegates to the Y. M. C. A. convention in Boston.

Capt. Meigs gives a lecture to-night in Tremont Temple, on "Rapid Transit," and will describe his own system which was so nearly introduced between Boston and Cambridge not long ago.

The receipts made by the Freshman Glee Club at the concert at Brookline were net gains, as there were no outside expenses.

A cleverly written satire on the recent Shakespeare controversy has been published in Cambridge by William R. Thayer. It is entitled "The Shakespeare Hoax" and is on sale at Sever's and Amee's.

Great excitement was caused at the gymnasium yesterday afternoon by the appearance among the spectators of a girl armed with a pair of opera glasses. It was conjectured that she was a member of the Wellesley University crew.

The '90 tug-of-war team, consisting of E. Jones, (captain), R. Jones, Piper and Armory, intended to have gone into the Union sports last evening and had already entered, but Dr. Sargent, in the name of the H. A. A., forbade them to go for fear that the public would think they represented the University.
