
Twenty-Second Annual Dinner of the Harvard Club of New York.

There were about two hundred Harvard graduates at the twenty-second annual dinner of the Harvard Club of New York, which took place on Tuesday evening at Delmonico's. In addition to the gentlemen there were many ladies present in the galleries of the large dining hall, which are always especially reserved for the fair sex at these Harvard dinners. Mr. Edmund C. Wetmore, the president of the club, presided. Among the guests of the evening were President Eliot, General W. T. Sherman, Prof. G. H. Balmer, Rev. Dr. Henry Van Dyke of Princeton, Chauncey M. Depew of Yale, Mayor Abram S. Hewitt of Columbia, and General Charles J. Paine. President Eliot responded eloquently to the toast "Our Alma Mater." Among other things he said that Harvard men were not so anxious for victory as they were to play fairly, and suggested that some other means be selected for competition than athletic sports. He was greeted with the most enthusiastic applause, whether for his sentiments or himself is unknown. Mayor Hewitt responded to the toast "Columbia," and the Rev. Dr. Van Dyke to that of "Princeton." The other speakers of the evening were Gen. W. T. Sherman and Prof. G. H. Palmer.

The Harvard Club of New York has very comfortable and neatly fitted up quarters at No. 11 West 22d street. The house is large and roomy; there are dining-rooms, reading and smoking rooms, reading and smoking rooms, billiard room, meeting room, and a number of very comfortable looking bedrooms. On every Monday evening the club has an "At Home," when the members turn out in force, and the old boys are just as jolly as if they were living in Beck or the college yard, and still had their degrees to win. The membership is steadily increasing, and the annual dinner of the club is always looked forward to with the pleasantest expectation.
