Marks are out in Spanish 1.
The returns in English 8 are posted in Sever 1.
Union debate tonight on "Contested Election Cases."
The spring theatricals of the Hasty Pudding Club will be held in the new building.
All members of the Pierian Sodality are requested to sign the dinner book at once.
Vespers this afternoon at 5 o'clock. The soloist will be the well-known tenor. Mr. Karl Pflengel, the leader of the Orpheus Club, of Boston.
The college-yard watchmen being off on a holiday yesterday, a swarthy son of Italy took advantage of their absence and discoursed sweet strains from a wheezy hand-organ in the yard. His efforts were specially appreciated by the dean and bursar, in front of whose offices he played several encores.
There is one trouble in regard to the Princeton cage. It was so damp the other day that it could not be used.
In the new volume of the Harvard Advocate, the seal and title on the front page will be printed in crimson ink. There will be other radical changes.
An old folks' concert will be held tonight in the First Church, in which a few Harvard men will assist. W. M. Richardson, '79, is training the chorus, which will appear in ancient costume.
In the chess tournament lately held in the college, Bridge won the first prize, a set of chess men and board, club size; and Webster, the second prize, a set of travelling chessmen.
The meeting of the American Institute of Mining Engineers which was announced to take place yesterday forenoon in the Lawrence Scientific School, was held instead in Boston, and the members of N. H. 1 were given a cut on false pretences.
The following have resigned their positions as correspondents of the CRIMSON: F. B. Lund, '88; A. F. Holden, '88; Benjamia Carpenter, '88, and A. Churchill, '88. The thanks of the CRIMSON board are due to these gentlemen for their efficient services.
Dr. Sach's first lecture on Greek vase paintings occurs this evening in Boylston Hall. He gave two of his lectures in the Art School at Yale during last week. They met with great favor and were enjoyed by large audiences. The second lecture at Harvard occurs tomorrow evening.
The first twenty-five elected to the Hasty Pudding Club from '89 are as follows: Codmm, Davis, Forbes, G. H. Gray, Hathaway, Harding, J. G. King, Keyes, Lydig, L. H. Morgan, Marvin, Markoe, Mackay, Mairs, Odell, Painter, Perkins, Pfeiffer, Storrow, J. H. Sears, J. M. Smith, Trafford. T. S. Tailer, Weaver, Wetmore.
The following subjects will be presented at the Union to-night for choice for the next debate:-
Resolved, That the intercollegiate contests of Harvard should be with Yale alone.
Resolved, That the best interests of the United States demand the annexation of Canada.
Resolved, That the passage of an international copyright law is advisable.
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