

ALL freshmen who intend to be candidates for either the freshman or 'varsity lacrosse team will meet in the trophy room at the gymnasium on Thursday at 4.30 sharp.

H. W. BATES.DEUTSCHER VEREIN.- Sitzung mitt woch absents, Feb. 22, in Hollis 16. Herr Hochdorfer wired uber "Das Deutsche Gymnasium" sprechen.

MAX WINKLER, Secretary.PIERIAN SODALITY.- The annual dinner of the Pierian will be held at the Parker House on Monday, Feb. 27, at 7 p. m. A charge of 50 cents a plate will be made. All who intend to be present must sign at Bartlett's before Thursday noon.

T. T. SEELYE, Sec.H. A. A.- A contest will be held in the gymnasium Wednesday evening, Feb. 22, in the running high jump, pole vault, putting the shot, and mile walk. This contest is to decide upon the men to be sent to New Haven on the 2d and 3d of March. It is hoped by the management that the fellows will show their interest by a large attendance both of contestants and spectators.


