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We published in yesterday's issue a schedule of the games to be played by the Cricket Club during the coming season. Beginning with the 28th of April matches are to be played on every Saturday till the time of the final examinations.

One match of the series is to be played on Holmes Field. This idea is a new one and is likely to result favorably for the interests of cricket at Harvard. Comparatively few men in college have ever witnessed a cricket match, and the ideas of most men in regard to the game are decidedly vague. Matches enough are played at Longwood, Medford and other places in the vicinity; but only the men who know the game are willing to travel any distance to see it. If matches are instituted at Cambridge, however, there is no doubt that interest in cricket will be greatly increased here.

The cricket eleven made a splendid record last year, winning every match it played. This fact alone should awaken a strong interest in the game here without any word from us. The management of the eleven, however, is in need of money, and we want to urge men to give heartily the little support the cricket team asks. It is strongly desired that men should subscribe by joining the Association, for they will thus aid the club not only financially but also by personal support.
