Prof. Royce expects to go to Australia at the end of this week.
Benjamin Carpenter is recovering from an attack of bronchitis.
The gymnasium of St. Mark's School is to be thoroughly overhauled and refitted.
English B lecture on Exposition and Argument today in Sever 11 at 2 o'clock.
Sophomore Theme 8 is due to day at 4 o'clock. Subject: "A Literary Criticism."
It is expected that ground will be broken in the early spring for the addition to the gymnasium provided for by the $25,000 gift of H. R. A. Carey.
We are sorry to announce the death of Mrs. Adolphe Cohn, which took place Sunday at her residence in Cambridge.
The dinner of the Harvard Club of New York will take place this evening at Delmonico's. The speakers of the evening will be Edmund Wetmore, president of the club, President Eliot, Prof. Palmer, Gen. Sherman, Mr. Depew, Dr. Van Dyke, Mayor Hewitt, John Clinton Gray and Francis Rawle.
Many of the leading tennis players of the country have entered the tournament to be held tomorrow in the Tennis Building in New York.
The makeup examination in N. H. 4 for those who did not take the last hour examination, will be held tomorrow at 4 o'clock in Room 2 of the Agassiz Museum.
Dr. McCosh is to remain president of Princeton until Commencement. He will then have an annual honorarium of $2,500, with the privilege of teaching in the School of Philosophy or not.
Thirty members of the Manhattan Athletic Club are going to New Haven on March 2 and 3 to take part in the Yale and Connecticut National Guard games. Cunneff, the great Irish runner, will accompany them.
Mr. Alvan H. Clark has completed his work in the Lick Observatory and will return in a few days. Professor Keeler is the only astronomer on the ground, and is devoting himself to making stellar observations.
"University," No. 6, contains a biography of the late Professor Asa Gray by Daniel C. Eaton, Professor of Botany at Yale. The article is illustrated by an excellent full-page portrait of Professor Gray.
The March number of Outing will contain an article on "American College football" by Richard M. Hodge, of Princeton. It will be well illustrated and will treat the subject his topically as well as practically.
Entries for the Mass. Institute of Technology's spring athletic meeting on March 3, which is open to amateur members of the H. A. A., the B. Y. M. C. A. and B. Y. M. C. U. gymnasiums, may be made to L. F. Small, of the Association gymnasium, the janitor of the Tech gymnasium, or to Nathan Durfee, M. I. T., '89.
Seniors who are entitled to Commencement Parts, whether under the Provisional Assignment or on the ground of honorable mention, will meet Professor A. S. Hill at 4 p. m., in Sever 5, today (Tuesday). They are advised to consider the subjects upon which they desire to write. They are reminded that a part may be substituted for the thesis of the Senior Forensic Course.
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