The candidates for the 'Varsity lacrosse team began regular exercise in the gymnasium last Monday under Captain Davidson. So far only the old members of the team and the substitutes have presented themselves, but it is to be hoped that a number of new men will also try for positions. As the game is one that requires a good deal of skill in handling the "stick," and also as much, if not more, "wind" than foot-ball, it is absolutely necessary that all new men who wish to try for the team should begin regular work immediately. Later on there will be some "stick" practice for those who have not yet learned how to handle a lacrosse racquet; but it is needless to say that, unless a man shows interest enough to do the regular exercise in the gymnasium, he cannot expect that pains will be taken to teach him this later acquirement. Nobody need be discouraged concerning his chances of getting on the team, for six out of the twelve position are open. That is presuming that the old members will obtain their old positions. Of last year's team only Davidson, Griffing, Harvey, Harding and Drake will be back, but there are many promising candidates besides. Of these, Griswold, Marquand, Reisner, Henshaw, '90, Norton, '90, and Wells, '90, are the best.
Harvard has held the championship in lacrosse for three successive years, and there is no reason why another year should not be added to her series of victories. However, Princeton will exert every nerve, and we must do the same if we would avoid defeat. The team will make several trips next spring-one to Princeton, one to play Stevens, and probably one to New York, as was done last year. The Lacrosse Association is out of debt, and indeed, under the excellent management of last year, has retained a small surplus. This is then the condition of the Lacrosse Association, and if patience and victory deserve any merit the Harvard Lacrosse Association does, for it has been most patient under neglect, and uniformly victorious in its contests.
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