The dinner of the Harvard Club of Washington was held in Washington, Thursday evening. Dr. Geo. B. Loring, president of the club, presided. Among the prominent men present were ex-Secretary McCullock; Secretary Fairchild, Judge Bancroft Davis; President Bombaugh, of the Baltimore Harvard Club; Henry Cabot Lodge and Sidney Everett.
Dr. Loring made a short speech, highly complimenting President Eliot on the advance Harvard has made under his administration.
When President Eliot rose to respond he was greeted with three times three Harvard cheers. He said that what impressed him most as he looked around at the guests was the diversity of views held by the Harvard men present. He believed that the college did not teach men to think alike. Since the war Harvard has ceased to be local and sectarian, for every denomination and every school of economy is represented in it.
There is, however, a characteristic tone of thought and independent way of thinking among Harvard men, which prefers truth to sect and country to poetry. Speeches were made by Secretary Fair child, Senator Eustis and several others.
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