

PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB.- Important meeting to-day at 2 p. m., in 41 Weld.

A. H. LLOYD, Secretary.H. P. C.- Will the gentleman who took as a souvenir the blunderbuss used in the Christmas theatricals please return the same to 48 Matthews. By so doing he will save the club much inconvenience and expense.

PROPERTY MANAGER.THE following men will please call at Pach's studio, Thursday, Friday or Saturday, to be photographed for the class album: E. P. Hall, J. M. Hallowell, Hammerslough, Hammett, Hanson, Harlow, Harvey, Hay, Hayes, Henderson, C. S. Harvey, H. W. Hervey, Holden, O. H. Holder, Holland, Honore, Norton, Jackson, Job, Johnson, Kelley, Kidder, Kimball, Lathram, Lawton, Leahy, Lent, LeRoy, Livingood, Loeb, Lund. All other men will also go at the same time.

