
Fact and Rumor.

The Advocate appeared yesterday.

Dr. Peabody's "Harvard Reminiscences" makes its appearance to-day.

The Harvard lacrosse team have sent a challenge to Yale.

F. S. Palmer, '87, has some pretty verses in this week's Life.

Arabic reading to-night at 7.30 p. m., in Sever 11, by Mr. Jewett.


The outlines in History 13 for the last half-year are out and are on sale at the Co-operative.

John, the orange-man, has been ill, but has regained his health sufficiently to be about again.

English 15 is more crowded than ever before, owing to the omission of the philosophy courses.

The Sheffield freshmen at Yale have adopted a class cane which will cost $7.25.

Professor Emerton's "Introduction to the Study of the Middle Ages" will be published next month.

There was quite a serious break in the gas main yesterday afternoon on Garden street, opposite Dr. McKenzie's church.

Biddle, Yale '86, has abandoned journalism and has sailed for the Bahamas, bent on finding Captain Kidd's treasure.

There will be two more Hofmaun concerts in Boston on Tuesday evening, the 21st, and Thursday afternoon, the 23d.

Pres. Patton, of Princeton, according to the Yale men, is a British subject who has never sought naturalization in this country.

The last Brookline Assembly took place last evening and was largely attended by Harvard men. To-day is the first day of Lent.
