No faculty meeting to-day.
The class in English 15 will meet in Sever 1 at 12 o'clock to-day.
The examination books in N. H. 4 were returned yesterday.
The marks in German A, French 1, Chem. 1 and N. H. 8 are out.
Those who failed in Mathematics A have received notice.
The ice-houses at Fresh Pond are filled and a new one is building.
Keefe, of the New Yorks, is going to coach the Amherst nine.
The present Advocate board holds its last meeting on Thursday evening. The new board will then go into office.
Professor and Mrs. G. H. Palmer hold the first of their informal receptions tomorrow.
The present sophomore class of the Annex is the first to have a regular class organization.
The rest of Themes V and VI in English B will be returned to-day at two o'clock.
Dr. McCosh is to retain his chair of philosophy and to receive a pension of $2,500 a year.
There is good sleighing on Boston harbor, at City Point, and several horse races have taken place.
Samuel Smiles's "Art of Living" has just been republished with an introduction by Dr. A. P. Peabody.
The Conference Francaise will begin soon the preparation of the comedy "Le Misanthrope et I'Auverguat."
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