The CRIMSON is in receipt of the prospectus and a specimen selection of Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia. This work is in process of preparation, one volume having already been published. There will be thirty or more volumes of this work, each volume containing about six hundred and fifty pages. The work will be profusely illustrated, and its articles will be written by well known authors. It will be more than a "Cyclopedia of Universal Knowledge," as it will embody a complete dictionary of the English language. It will give more than mere definitions of words, as it will offer general knowledge on every subject possible. The work is modelled after Stormonth's Dictionary and Chamber's Encyclopedia, though it will not follow the plan of either work closely. The price per volume will be, cloth, 50 cents; half morocco, 65 cents. The book will fill a great need and be a valuable acquisition to every library. As an inducement to subscribers, the publishers offer the entire set of thirty volumes for $8.50 to any one who sends in his name before March 1, 1888. After this date the price of the set will be $15.00. [New York: John B. Alden
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