

No Headline

To-day the eighty-eight board resigns the care and responsibility of the arrangement of the CRIMSON into the hands of eighty-nine. It has been usual policy for the senior board to wait until late in the spring before tendering their resignations. It has however seemed to the board a more satisfactory and fitting arrangement for the senior editors to resign at the beginning of the new term and of a new volume of the CRIMSON since they have other work to do in this the last lap of college course.

And now it becomes our duty to bid adieu to the senior board. As each succeeding year passes by the same duty has to be performed, and it is not a pleasant one. Though the eighty-eight board was sadly reduced in numbers, yet they made up in quality what they lacked in quantity. The CRIMSON is better this year than ever before; and the improvement is mainly due to the men who have worked so faithfully on the paper through most of their college course and who have just left us. Fulsome praise is ever out of place and sounds conimonplace. But imitation is the sincerest flattery and it shall be the earnest endeavor of the present board to keep the paper up to the standard set by our predecessors. The pleasant memory they have left with us will go far towards had ping us to shoulder the responsibility and to work with zeal for the welfare of the paper.
