
Base-Ball at Columbia.

The students of Columbia College recently held a mass meeting and decided to support a ball nine for the coming season. Atherton Curtis, '88, manager of last year's nine, reported that the receipts were $1,863.87, and the expenditures $1,550.50 The balance, $313.57, was handed over to the remaining members of the Inter-Collegiate Base-ball League-Yale, Harvard and Princeton-when it was found that Columbia's representatives were unable to finish the season.

The following officers were elected: S. C. Herriman, '87, L. S., president; L. C. Reamer, '88, School of Arts, manager; Benson B. Sloan, '88, School of Arts, vice-president; Joseph Taylor, '88, School of Mines, treasurer; D. Le Roy Dresser, '89, School of Mines, secretary.

The trainer will be chosen by the officers. It is probable that the Manhattan Rink building will be selected as a training place for the nine. The subject of entering a league to be formed of Rutgers, Lafayette and Cornell was discussed, but the general wish was that games be arranged with all the prominent college nines, and try to overcome the disasters of last year by a good record the coming season. If the nine is successful this year, efforts will probably be made to enter the old league of Harvard, Yale and Princeton.
