The posters for the winter meetings of the Athletic Association were published yesterday, and give much general information concerning the events. The first meeting will be held on Saturday. March 10th, and will consist chiefly of contests in wrestling, sparring, putting the shot, and the tug-of-war between '90 and '91. At this meeting no ladies will be admitted, the last two days being reserved especially for them.
In the second meeting, which comes one week later, the events will be: Two-handed fence vault, light and feather-weight sparring, parallel bars, standing high jump, club swinging (legitimate), fencing, and tug-of-war between '88 and '89.
The last meeting occurs on March 24th, and the following events will take place: Running high jump, flying rings, rope climbing, pole vault, horizontal bar, spring-board leaping, running high kick, tumbling, and the final tug-of-war between the teams winning the former events.
A prize will be given to the class winning the greatest number of events in the three meetings, and also prizes for general excellence in the following events: Parallel bars, flying-rings, horizontal bar, running high jump, two-hand fence vault and tumbling.
As these meetings will come off so soon, it is very desirable that the various candidates and teams should work hard in order hat some records may be broken. The success of the Mott Haven team rests in a degree upon the success of these meetings, and it is the desire of the officers of the association that a large number of entries should be made. The Mott Haven team is in need of men to put the shot and throw the hammer-the object of these meetings being to develop such men.
At a recent meeting of the Yale Athletic Association, H. G. Shearman, '89, broke the Yale record in the running high jump, clearing 5 ft. 7 1 2 in. In the meetings this year Harvard will miss H. L. Clarke, '87, who made the best Harvard record with a jump of 5 ft. 10 3-4 in. Much depends on the tug-of-war teams this year, as the winning of this event at Mott Haven will aid greatly in bringing the cup to Harvard.
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Indoor Athletic Meetings.