The Banjo Club will give a concert to-night at Sharon.
President McCosh's resignation takes effect to-day.
Only one examination to-day-that in Mathematics D.
Many men enjoyed the skating yesterday on Fresh Pond.
The marks in the first hour examination in N. H. 4 may now be obtained from Mr. Harris.
The next number of the Monthly will contain an article by Rev. Andrew P. Peabody, D. D., on "Style."
The CRIMSON for the rest of this year will be furnished to new subscribers for $2.00.
A series of Germans, conducted by sophomores, is being held in Roberts Hall.
The pictures of our 'Varsity foot-ball team are ready, and Pach is selling a great many of them.
The new Biological Laboratory at Princeton is nearly completed and will be ready for use at the beginning of the third term.
The Cornell freshmen are arranging for a banquet, but for reasons satisfactory to themselves are keeping the time and place from the sophomores.
President Eliot, in his capacity as President of the International Copyright Association, has appointed a committee to go to Washington to confer with Senator Chace upon the amendments to his copyright bill.
At the second annual meeting of the Central Inter-Collegiate Press Association in Philadelphia, W. L. Hodge, of the Princetonian, was elected president.
At the Intercollegiate Base Ball meeting in New York on Saturday, no decision was reached on the question of the admittance of the University of Pennsylvania.
President Eliot has accepted an invitation to visit Chicago to attend the meeting of the Chicago Harvard Alumni on Feb. 9, and the Harvard Club of St. Louis has asked him to extend his western trip to St. Louis.
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