EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- In your columns there appeared, a few days ago, a communication from Professor James commenting upon the evidence as to the moral tone of social responsibility at Harvard, which was shown in the objections urged against a proposition to form clubs guaranteeing the honor of individual members. Prof. James thought that these objections revealed a very low ebb of effective moral opinion.
It seems to me that an institution such as the one proposed before the Conference Committee-namely, a club which should stand pledged for the honor of its members-would be entirely foreign to the spirit of the present day. It was a necessary evil among the Normans of England and France eight centuries ago; but, to-day, we must act upon and through individuals. It is not surprising that many objections were found, but the most vital one was overlooked. Men who know themselves to be honorable would feel that they were degrading themselves if they should call to their aid eleven men to help them ascertain that honor, and they would ask that the same consideration they demand for themselves be given to their fellows. Public opinion is weak at Harvard to-day because it is not allowed to grow. Men are "suspects" the minute they enter the examination room. You cannot make a man morally strong by making him feel that he is watched. Men must be made to know that confidence is placed in their honor. Professor James has tried the plan. At the hour examinations given to his classes this year and last, no proctor was placed in the room. It was then that the real force of public opinion was felt. No man dared to cheat. Each man felt that the shame would be tenfold greater than if he should be caught cheating under the eye of a proctor. The element of daring, of dull satisfaction at the cunning evasion of the sharp glance of a policeman was entirely taken away. There was instead a feeling of pride that the instructor had shown his appreciation of the manhood of the students in his courses.
Here is the secret, which, it is to be hoped, other professors will soon discover. Give the men your confidence in the examination room and they will not abuse it.
H. H. D.
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