
Fact and Rumor.

The second special report in History XIII is due today.

Each member of the Yale nine has received a gold watch charm as a memento of last year's victory.

The Princeton College Glee and Banjo Clubs will give a concert in Germantown, December 18th.

The lacrosse team has been invited to play an exhibition game in Madison Square Garden next January.

Mr. Francis Darwin, son of the late Charles Darwin, has been elected University Reader in Botany at Cambridge, England.


The members of the freshman class are requested to obtain copies of the regulations of the faculty at the office of the University.

The Glee Club will sing tonight at the Jahrmarkt of the Fasching in Venice at Mechanics Hall. The object of the entertainment is charitable.

Ex-President Andrew D. White of Cornell, will deliver a continued lecture of three nights each at the University of Pennsylvania and at Swathmore College in January. His subject will be "The Causes Leading to the French Revolution."

The programme for the symphony concert tonight is as follows: Wagner, A Faust Overture. Brahms, Concerto in B flat major. Berlioz, Symphony Harold.

The regular meeting of the Harvard Odontological Society was held at Young's on Thursday evening. Dr. H. M. Clifford spoke on "Materials for Dental Office and Laboratory."

Wagenhurst, captain of the Princeton nine last year, and now studying at the University of Pennsylvania, played with the Philadelphias last summer, and will not be eligible for the intercollegiate games.

In a short time the secretary of the University will place notices on the doors of every recitation room in the college buildings. These notices will contain a list of all recitations which take place in each room.

The Alumni of Union College resident in New York City and vicinity will hold a meeting and banquet at Delmonico's, on Friday evening, December 14. Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia will each be represented by a distinguished graduate.

Ninety-two ought to feel that this fall she has all the honor of Yale on her shoulders, as far as Harvard is concerned; and that every man in the University expects her to administer to Harvard the pounding that the 'Varsity team ought to have had the satisfaction of administering Thanksgiving day.- Yale Courant, Dec. 1.

At a meeting of the Dartmouth FootBall Association, the following delegates were elected to attend the convention to be held at Springfield, Mass., Dec. 11; H. P. Blair, manager; W. Odlin, captain; M. H. Beacham, junior director, Dartmouth will tie for the championship with either Technology or Stevens, as the convention accepts or refuses the protest of the Tech-Stevens game.

The workmen on the new recitation hall at Yale have struck, and work has been suspended for several days. The contractors refused to yield in any way to the demands of the strikers, and have engaged non-union men. No great trouble has been caused by the strike, however, and it is hoped to have the walls well up to the second story before it will be necessary to quit work on account of the weather.
