
Fact and Rumor.

Theses in History 10 will be due on January 1.

The Glee and Banjo Clubs will give a concert in Lowell this evening.

The Hasty Pudding Club held a dinner last night at Parker's.

The H. A. A. and Shooting Club cups are on exhibition in Leavitt and Peirce's window.

Gov. Ames, on Wednesday, nominated President E. H. Capen of Tufts College to fill the vacancy on the State board of education.


At a meeting of the Yale freshman class on Tuesday it was voted to challenge Harvard '92 to a race at New London, in accordance with Captain Woodruff's advice. The following officers of the base-ball association were elected: President, W. Parker; vice president, W. P. Hamilton; treasurers, Floyd, Jones and Wurtz.

The class of '75 has decided to establish a new chair of political economy at Yale, at which protectionist theories alone shall be taught.

Only twice before in the history of Yale football has a sophomore been elected captain of the eleven for his junior year.

Dr. McCosh of Princeton has written a critical review of "Robert Elsmere," which he will soon publish in pamphlet form.

The sixth ten of the Institute of 1770 from '91 are Baldwin, Dean, Embick, Fitzhugh, Greer, R. B. Hale, T. S. Lee, Rhinelander, Valle, Woodworth.

The janitor desires all who have left rowing clothes at the boat house to take them away. The junitor may be found either at the boat-house or at gymnasium.

Captain Woodruff has an eight-oared crew rowing every day upon the harbor which will be utilized until the ice drives the oarsmen to the tank in gymnasium.

A meeting of the executive committee of the Conference Francaise was held yesterday afternoon and the following men were elected members: W. Woodworth, R. G.; from '90, H. O. Poor, S. Thorndike, and from '91, J. B. Henderson. G. Jones, and A. S. Walcott.

The following men are entitled to write a double narrative theme in English B: E. L. Atkinson, R. W. Atkinson, Babbitt, H. II. Baker, H. T. Baldwin, Beers, Beardsley, Beer, Berry, M. Black, Blaney, O. F. Black, Brackett, Burrey, L. Calkins, R. Calkins, Cannon, Cohen, Copeland. Cones, Cox, II. Cummings, J. Cummings, Darling, R. H. Davis, H. A. Davis, De Normandie, Detrick, Dudley, Eastman, Embick, Finlay, Fitzhugh, Flint, Frame, Ganhill, Gledhill. Gulick, R. B. Hale, Hall, Herrick, Hitchcock, Howard, Hunt, Jenkins, Lee, Leutz, McAdams, McCullough, McKenzie, Mack, Mills, Mix, Moore, J. M. Morton, Nelson, Norman, Oliver, Page, J. A. Parker, Phinney, Potter, Quinlen, J. W. Rice, Robinson, Rogers, Ross, Sever, Simonds, Slattery, Small, Stebbins, Sterne, Stickney, Stokes, Stone, Tallant, Taussig, Van Rensselaer, Walcott, Weeks, Wendell, Weyse, Whitehouse, Willard, Wilcox, A. H. Williams, Witherell, R. W. Wood, Woodworth, C. H. C. Wright.
