

Members of the Hasty Pudding club who intend to be present at the dinner Thursday evening, December 6th, will please sign immediately the paper posted in the club house. All new members from eighty-nine must be present at the dinner. Tickets to be obtained of the steward.

The next hour examination in English 7 will be held Thursday. Dec. 20. The subject will be confined to poetry.

Until further notice there will be an extra rehearsal of the Harvard Banjo Club on Tuesdays at four o'clock.

CHARLES COPELAND, Sec'y.Chess Club.- There will be a book at Bartlett's until Thursday night for entries for the tournament. Open to all members of the university.

FENCING CLASSES. From 4 to 5 p. m. in the fencing room off the Hemenway gymnasium. G. M. Castroni, Fencing Master. 6t52


HARVARD. ASSEMBLIES. Those having invitations may get their tickets at 32 Beck Hall Dec. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, between 1.30 and 2 p. m., or upon receipt of subscription by check or P. O. order. Positively no person will be admitted without presenting a ticket at the door. 6t56.

There will be a meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association this evening at 6.30 in Lawrence Hall. All st dents are invited.

E. L. CUMMINGS, Sec'y.Symphony concerts ushers must report to the chief usher before noon in case they are unable to serve at Sanders' tonight. Doors open at 7.15 Prompt attendance is necessary.
