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In answer to the many inquiries that have been made concerning the cause of the postponement of the senior class dinner, the committee in charge has requested us to state that it was found impossible to settle on any date in December, the reason being that every evening is so filled up with some occurrence or other, that it would be impossible to get the whole class, or even a large part of it, together at any time this month. Consequently, as the committee is eager to make the dinner this year quite as successful as the one held twelve months ago, they have set the date for the dinner for the 7th of January. In choosing a time thus far in the future, they have made it easy for every man to adopt his plans to this arrangement. We hope therefore that every man in the class will be able to attend the dinner. It will probably be the last one at which the whole class can sit together and the occasion ought to be appreciated by every senior.
